Aletta Ginart Hymen Virgin Fisrt Time (Fifty Shades, Katrin Wolf, Into My)

Description: Hi! My name is Aletta Ginart. Throughout the video and my story you could probably say that I am a very different virgin girl, but that is who I am and I will never change it nor anyone else will ever change this in me! I will just jump straight into my life passions and yes I will tell you if I dated or not and I have and every time it was a complete disaster for me and I hated everything about all those relationships! But first let me give you a background on me so you understand those problems... I am a girl who likes brutality I have watched 100 times the movies Fifty Shades of Grey every single one of them the movie Nymphomaniac and I absolutely adore those movies and I see myself as the character of those movies specially the girl and Fifty Shades of Grey, she’s very amazing and I totally love every single moment that was happening in the red room in the movie and I wish that’s how my sexual life will end up being! And since I like brutality in men and I want to be handled like the girl in Fifty Shades of Grey I want my first partner with whom I am going to lose my virginity here at the studio to be exactly like Grey! So now that you know my secret, I’m going to tell you how my relationships went which I don’t like to speak about much! I’m gonna speak about one specific guy which got into my head to the point where I could wake up at night sweating and being completely disgusted by him! In this relationship I felt more like a man than he was supposed to be, she wasn’t giving me what I wanted all do I have established my point of you on what I like in life and what I prefer… But he was always depending on me he was asking me what to do and he had no certainty in life and when we had any closure I was the man in our somewhat sexual experiences! But this will change because one part of me still wants to know how it is to be more feminine and the producers told me that they will take care of this, and I will know what it means after all our shootings here.. what I haven’t mentioned yet is I was brought up by my father and we were leaving always alone, I don’t want you to know anything else about my family except that my father has been always watching out for me and he became my idol in life! Basically he was taking care of me like as if I was his son, so he was taking me to manly sports also for some defense classes, which I’m not speaking about in the video but I am letting you know here and perhaps this has played a huge role on the person I have become today.. For me even when I was excited for my first relationships they have entered immediately after a couple of weeks some of the three even less because by the time I have already watched those movies and I needed the guys to be just like Grey was in that movie! I told him so but it has never changed, so I really hope that my wishes will come true in this studio
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