Nicky shows what her pussy can handle. (New Jersey, Into My, That Me)

Nicky shows what her pussy can handle. (New Jersey, Into My, That Me)

Descrição: I was born and raised in New Jersey which is a good and bad thing. Good is that I made so many memories and life long friendships there that i'll hold onto forever. However on the down side ever since the show Jersey Shore and the bad image they gave New Jersey, everyone that I meet automatically thinks that i'm like some "jersey shore" type of girl that goes clubbing, gets drunk and fist pumps, which is definitely not true. I would say i'm very conservative, which is kind of contradicted in this video, however it was my first time so there is a first time for everything! Growing up I was a huge tomboy being that I had an older brother that I would always want to compete with. He used to play hockey and make me be the goalie but wouldn't let me wear a face mask while doing it. So one day I was playing goalie for him and he decided to hit a nice hard slap shot right into my eye, which hurt like hell. Also since I had a big brother, I would always like to dress like a boy, which is kind of ironic because now i'm one of the girliest girls I know. But I used to wear gold chains, boy shorts, the whole nine yards. My mom hated it too, she would always force me to wear my hair in these hidiously adorable pigtails right on the top of my head, and I HATED them. I also used to play little league baseball when I was in about 3rd grade on an all boys team, so being the only girl on the team was kind of intimidating, but I showed em up. Eventually, when I was in eighth grade, my family moved to this neighborhood that was so different from where we grew up. It was where all the rich snotty families lived. And in my old school we had to wear uniforms to school which really sucked, but when we got to this new school we could wear whatever we wanted to so I had no idea what to wear! Also in 7th grade I sent a naked picture to this guy i was talking to and this girl that i hated that he was friends with went on his phone and sent the picture to herself and sent it to EVERYONE. So when i moved i thought yes, i'll stop getting tortured by these people and it'll all dissappear. nope. When I moved to my new school the picture followed me. It was really terrible, I had girls passsing me in the hallway calling me a slut, people looking at the picture and showing their friends right near me in class making fun of me. People were even making fake myspace accounts of me and sending the picture to my mom and my brother, who at the time i didnt tell anything to so they were oblivious to the whole situation. Eventually my close friends that i made at my new school noticed how bad it got and how much it affected me and told the guidance counselor, who then made me tell my mom what has been going on. She wasn't mad at all, she was more dissappointed that I hadn't come to her earlier about the situation so she could be there for me. so eventually the cops got involved and confiscated all of the phones and computers of those involved in it and it kind of fizzled away, but as an 8th grader it was very hard to deal with, but honestly it only made me stronger as a person. I was very to myself after that happened and never really wanted spotlight so when i got into highschool i played field hockey. I really loved it, but my mom thought that i would turn out lesbian like all of my coaches and made me quit to do cheerleading. The thought of being a cheerleader made me want to vomit. Trying out for the team was the most nerve wrecking situations for me ever. The thought of going in front of three judges all staring at me freaked me out. I couldnt even do a cheer in front of my mom without crying. However, i can honestly say that joining that cheerleading squad was one of the best things that has happened to me. Especially having my confidence totally ripped apart from the picture, being on the squad gave me my confidence back one hundred percent which felt good. So now i'm very confident with myself andf my body and could have all of those poeple in intermediate school that made fun of me look at me completely naked and id look at them and smile.

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